"The beginning is the most important part of the work." - Plato

Have you ever felt so scared to start something new but when you did it was the best decision you have made? I know I have. For over 25 years, I have been working as an accountant in the financial industry. I'm good at it, but I know it's not my passion.
One day, I was introduced to the world of social media and content creation, and I was immediately drawn to it. Despite my fear of the unknown, I decided to start exploring this new field, while still holding onto my job as an accountant.
At first, it was challenging to balance my day job with my newfound passion, but I slowly but surely started to make progress. I started taking courses, networking with people in the industry and building up my skills. Soon enough, I started to see positive results. I began taking on small projects, working with brands to promote their products and services and started building up my social media platforms.
While still working as an accountant, I am gradually making the transition to the world of content creating. It has been a challenging journey, but it has also been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Pursuing my passion while still holding onto my day job has given me the opportunity to have the best of both worlds.
If you are feeling stuck in a job that doesn't fulfill you, know that there are ways to explore and pursue your passions while still holding onto your current job. It can be scary and hard work, but it is worth it in the end.
Here are a few tips that have helped me on this journey:
1. Follow your passion - Whether it is a hobby or something you have always been interested in, explore it and see if it can lead to a new career.
2. Time management - Make the most of the time you have by building your skills and networking during your free time.
3. Network - Talk to people who work in the field that you are interested in and learn from them.
4. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - Trust that you have the skills and the drive to succeed in your new venture.
New beginnings can be challenging, but they can also be the spark for positive change in your life. Don't be afraid to explore your passion and take the leap to pursue it. Who knows where it might take you.